Relationship, Transformation, Advancement, Empowerment, and Breaking Barriers

©2023 Legacy of Worship, Int'l. | Website by PageIgnite
At Legacy Worship, International we bring the heart of an apostle and the gifts of a five-fold ministry to pastors, worship leaders, missionaries and those they shepherd. Our central mission is to assist the Church in reconciling the vision of Christ's church to His people which is a living, breathing “house of prayer for all nations” where prophetic worship, intercessory prayer, and the five-fold ministry gifts operate in unison. Through close relationships, we work to bring healing, restoration and a re-visitation of God's glory to the Church.In short, our goal is to see the passion, power, and harmony in the book of Acts return to today's church.That means relationships and not the kind of impersonal networking that brings one sided benefits. There is great need for covenant friendships that go beyond conferences and programs and into true and lasting communion that the early church knew so well. Their love for each other, the Lord, and their dedication to advancing God's government in the earth spread the Gospel far and wide.That is the church that Legacy Worship International is committed to growing.Through these relationships, we bring demonstrative teaching, hands on training, and prophetic impartation as ambassadors of the Holy Spirit. We personally work with you to see your ministry strengthened, equipped, balanced and mended in order to bring forth God's vision for the church.As we learned in missions, God cannot be placed in a box. Our work is as varied as the needs we see, so we come ready to do exactly what the Lord has instructed. Whether you need someone to stand in prayer against demonic strongholds, bring needed teaching to your congregation, identify or refine your vision or even help you build a new facility, we are here for you...to weep, to rejoice, to work alongside you.Whatever your needs are, we come in love and work in the context of apostolic relationship.Our vision is yours: to see the salvation of Christ come to the earth and gather the nations to worship Him! We too want to see the emergence of a prophetic, apostolic generation that will declare the goodness, majesty and glory of God as they advance His government in the earth.Join us as we see God's vision of a glorious church preparing for Christ's triumphant return!
Our Team

A Sindrome (Portuguese)

The Journey
"Bill’s book, The Journey, truly challenges the reader to live by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God, which results in True Revelation that brings True Transformation."Ronnie Guynes
Associate Pastor, The Potter's House, Dallas, Texas"STIRRING" - "UNMASKING" - "GRIPPING" - "QUICKENING" - "FREE-ING"These are a few one-word comments from a forming list made by those who've experienced the riveting message of The Journey. An author for more than three decades, Dr. Bill Faught, Jr. has surpassed all expectations by releasing his most shovel-scraping book to date. Hear the proverbial shovel digging around the foundation of "CHURCH as we know it".The Journey escorts the reader on a trek to revisit the subject of how revelation works in the life and ministry of a believer. It contains moving stories of a nation-impacting ministry that is fast-approaching fifty years.Arrows from the ministry quiver of Dr. Bill Faught, Jr. are on every page of The Journey. A"new normal" awaits the reader who desires to live be revelation!Learn to: LEAD by revelation - MINISTER by revelation - GO by revelation - PRAY by revelation - WORSHIP by revelation - LIVE by revelationWithout living by revelation, we are, as Bill says it, feeding on "old manna" instead of "fresh bread." Why should we limit ourselves to an “old wine skin” and “old food”, when God continually provides fresh food, fresh leading, and fresh vision?

A Blessing For The Least
Nearly a dozen times in scripture, God chose to use the child that culture had ignored. You see: Every believer has a promised destiny, regardless of their past and/or birth order.God has an outlandish plan for each of His children, and He will transcend every barrier to make it happen. Prepare to have your destiny released, as you read the pages of this book!A Blessing For The Least, the newest book by author Dr. Bill Faught, Jr., goes straight to the heart of the believer who sees himself as the underdog - the least favored - those feeling like they've been given a difficult life.If you've ever felt faint of heart, the book in your hands is the banquet table for which you've been waiting! Like the Burning Bush that revealed the heart of God for Israel, A Blessing For The Least pulls back the curtain to illustrate how God looks at your heart much differently than others do - than you do.A Blessing For The Least will show you how that God will even transcend culture to find you - to use you for His glory. It doesn't get any better than that!

Moving Forward
Moving Forward, by author Bill Faught, Jr., serves as a wench, of sorts, to help believers get off of “high-center”, like a tow-truck would be used. Christianity is a journey – it is to be nomadic – it is moving forward.

Kings And Their Armies
Collectively...more than 400 pages and 43 years of leadership wisdom at your fingertips. For the leader just starting: Here is an opportunity to get a jump-start! For the seasoned leader: It's time for a check-up! Get all-four as a set, or get one at-a-time. Your choice!

Diez Síntomas del Sindrome de Lucifer
Bill's worship book, “Ten Symptoms of the Lucifer Syndrome” has been a big hit among the academic and worship communities. Jesus said, The prince of this world is coming...and he has nothing in Me”. This great book will prepare you to say the same, when you stand before the King of kings!

Release Heaven's Rain
Currently out of stock.

The Spirit Of Whoredom
Prophetic and Apostolic Churches should be aware of what the scripture say about their role in the last days. Much sexual sin is being revealed these days. Why? The Spirit Of Whoredom eBook lays out the much-needed facts about where this spirit comes from and what it’s after. You’ll be somewhat surprised at what you’ll find here. We recommend you read The Spirit Of Jezebel first, in order to more fully understand the progression of this spirit.

The Rose Principle
One of the least understood subjects within the Kingdom of God is “Ministry Relationships”. The Rose Principle illustrates the depth of relationships within the five-fold ministry and how they relate to one another. The Church needs to know this too. Share this free download, or link, with everyone you believe is ready to go deeper in their inter-personal ministry relationships. Thoughts from The Rose Principle will work in the family too. Surely, the heart of God would be overjoyed to see His Church functions as He intended!

The Spirit Of Jezebel
Some may be shocked at the unsightly use of this term, but, since even before creation itself, the spirit of Jezebel has been a favorite arrow in Satan's quiver. Nothing has changed. His mode of attack is still the same today. In this book, we will show the legal ground from which this spirit operates. This book is not designed to connect with active fears, but rather it is to help believers find a way to reconnect with faith and achieve victory over this diabolical spirit. Do not allow the enemy forecast a dismal future. Help is on the way.

Ten Symptoms Of The Lucifer Syndrome
Bill's worship book, “Ten Symptoms of the Lucifer Syndrome” has been a big hit among the academic and worship communities. Jesus said, The prince of this world is coming...and he has nothing in Me”. This great book will prepare you to say the same, when you stand before the King of kings!

Beyond The Gates of Praise
Bill’s much-anticipated book, "Beyond the Gates of Praise", has just arrived! Every page is crammed full of incredible insight as to where the Church is headed, as we charge into its glorious future; yet encourages us to show appreciation for “where we’ve come from” by standing on the shoulders of generations past. Get ready to go "Beyond the Gates of Praise" and peer into what awaits every Child of God. Brother Bill creates two much-needed bridges of understanding and application of present-day truths: one- from Old Testament to the New Testament; and, most importantly, two- from the New Testament to today’s Church. Get your copy today!
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Open Vision
The Revealing - an Open Vision given to Lynda Faught.Bill and I were in Detroit, Michigan, in 2010 on a Sunday morning. We were
worshiping while getting getting ready to speak at a church, when, all of a sudden, an intense intercession came upon me. It was so powerful...I quickly went to the floor. My eyes were open – it was an open vision.It was as if I were inside of an eagle; and, as it flew, I could feel the wind on my face. I could also see out of the eagle's eyes. As it's eyes clicked I could see near, then far.In the first phase of the vision, I saw a foot-soldier angel from the knees down, who was dressed in Gladiator style clothing and sandals: I call him the North Angel. This angel was running from Wisconsin toward Michigan. He was so tall that the tree line was at his knees.Then I saw a mountain. The ground around it began to move. Upon arriving, the North Angel reached down and lifted what I perceived to be a second angel out of the ground. The dirt began to fall off of his body as it sat up; his hair was connected to the ground.When this second angel stood to his feet, his face was dirty and his clothing was tattered; he had similar clothing as the North Angel, but ravaged from war. Then water started flowing in the ground as if it was preparing a path. His hair was like a waterfall, which was the source of the water coming from the ground. The water formed a pool; in the water were gems.In the second phase of the vision- As the water flowed, gems were seen; everything in its path turned white. This second angel had a crown on his head. And on the crown were five golden interlocking rings, similar to the Olympic rings. Within each of the rings was a precious stone. One was blue; another was green. The other three had yet to receive their colors.In the third phase of the vision- I saw that the outer edge of the second angel's garments was on fire; this started a wall of fire that began from Michigan and went westward along the USA/Canada border, eventually reaching the State of Washington and then on to Oregon and California.The states of Michigan, Washington, Oregon and California were highlighted with fire. In the last phase of the vision- I saw that every time the North Angel wiped the second angel's face and garments, his face and garments began to change into a more feminine appearance with a Bridal dress that was spinning. There was much joy!

Vanguard Intensive
Vanguard Intensive’s approach to “equipping the saints” was born out of a lifelong focus to train local churches and leaders to impact their regions. Each school will intentionally equip leaders in the most biblical and effective way. More simply stated: Vanguard will partner with the local church to assist in fulfilling its vision!Surely, as God’s glory continues to fill the earth, He will use Vanguard to assist in the receiving and facilitating of His glory. Vanguard is designed to give a mega-dose of each targeted subject to leaders and their congregations, both locally and regionally. The result is:The format is engaging! – The atmosphere is anointed! – The outcome is transforming!We are excited to partner with you and your church! Please click below to contact us for more information.
History & Bio for Dr. Bill & Lynda Faught
Dr. Bill Faught, Jr. began leading worship at fifteen and preaching at age seventeen. After assisting pastors for more than ten years, the Faughts became senior pastors. After almost fifteen years, Bill and Lynda transitioned into global missions due to an increased demand on their ministry abroad.To date, the Faughts have preached on five continents. Bill is also an internationally published author and on-demand conference speaker, both at home and abroad. Having an international ministry spanning five decades has given Bill and Lynda a very unique perspective on life and ministry. They lead the charge in merging worship, intercession and prophecy into a collective river.Lynda Faught has a Masters Degree in Pastoral Psychology. Her journey has inspired many who are in need of freedom in Christ. As a counselor, Lynda takes the approach of being led by the Holy Spirit while marrying the clinical with the spiritual. Lynda also teaches counseling courses in the Vanguard Mobile Ministry School to train others in ministry!Bill and Lynda have five adult children and ten grandchildren. Currently, the Faughts reside in SE Kansas.
Our Team
Dr. Bill & Lynda Faught
Jerry and Nancy Brown
Kevin and Bethanie Johnson
Shawna Lavine
Edwin and Kayte Elgin